The sketchbook is very important in my day-to-day illustration practice, and tends to contain my observational drawings from wherever I happen to be based in at the time. It is thus an ever-changing reflection of my surroundings, approached with a touch of mischievousness and love for humanity.
I usually draw on location, take photos for future references or make mental notes on the mood that I want to capture.
I usually draw on location, take photos for future references or make mental notes on the mood that I want to capture.
Keeping active in documenting my thoughts and observations is crucial, because it is a chance to let go of expectations and to not feel too precious or attached to the images produced.
Whether keeping a sketchbook, or simply allowing myself time to explore and make mistakes in my drawing and image-making on loose paper, I strongly believe that these explorations have the power to convey my personality as an illustrator.
Whether keeping a sketchbook, or simply allowing myself time to explore and make mistakes in my drawing and image-making on loose paper, I strongly believe that these explorations have the power to convey my personality as an illustrator.